Labor Party calls for
more Lebanese immigration

The Labor Party's foreign affairs spokesman, Kevin Rudd, has called for Australia to bring in yet more Lebanese refugees.

Rudd said

Editorial comment

Mr Rudd and the Labor Party seem to be intent on being so "generous" as to give away the future of our nation to huges waves of immigration from the Third World, whether it be from Asia, Africa, or Arabia.

The fact is that homogenous nations provide the most stable environment for their citizens. Massive Third World immigration, as has been carried out by successive Liberal-Labor governments, is creating a situation whereby Australians will become a minority in their own country - this will create a socially unstable society, and lead to the demographic genocide of the Australian people.

The best destination for Arab refugees is with other Arab countries, with peoples to whom they are culturally and ethnically similar. The same applies for Asian and African refugees. If Australia is to take in refugees, then we should instead take in those who are culturally and ethnically compatible, such as the South African farming communities, who are currently subject to genocide of such a scale that the white farmers over there are suffering from the highest murder rate in the world.

The Multiculturalists of the Liberal-Labor parties, and their fellow travellers, want us to experience the "joy of diversity" so much, that they are forcing it upon us. No matter that the majority of Australians oppose massive Third World immigration. No matter that the reality of this "diversity" means massive social dislocation, ethnic tensions, ethnic gangs, the destruction of our national culture - and, indeed, the destruction of our very nation.

The Multiculturalists are such haters of traditional Australia, that they wish to destroy its very existence. It is up to the Australian people to fight against such political treachery.

Individually, each of us must take a stance; speak to our friends, support Australia First, distribute AF leaflets in local letterboxes: slowly but surely we can gather enough Australians together to fight the Liberal-Labor politicians who are selling out our nation.

It is what you do, as an individual, that will make a difference to the future of our people.


"Govt urged to be 'generous' with Lebanese refugees", 23 July 2006

Read Andrew Bolt's comments on the Lebanese immigration and citizenship situation:
"Escape from Beirut", 21 July 2006,,19855991-5006029,00.html

July 2006

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